1. Project Team
The Jade Club is known in the market as an innovative social enterprise coming out with new programs and services to promote active ageing.
Over the past 10 years, we have made a positive impact towards over 100,000 elderlies in their physical health and psycho-social aspects through delivering active ageing activities and inter-generational programs.
Working within a passionate small team, we are looking for a Project Manager who is passionate in elderly care and social innovation, to support and lead community building project. The main duties are to oversee and manage the whole project and ensure an effective model of community elderly care can be carried out. You will be engaged in the whole process, from developing the proposal, structuring the program and then executing it in the field. You will be exposed to cross-disciplinary collaboration, innovative approaches and many supporters.
A.【Project Manager (Full Time)】
- Lead and execute projects to ensure the objectives of the project are met to build social capital for the community and measure the impact on building a community elder care model.
- Build and maintain strategic partnership with the relevant parties for collaboration and synergy.
- Lead the team to organize community activities, programs, and community-wide events to empower the elderly.
- Manage project administration for progress monitoring and project record.
- Perform any other duties as assigned.
- Passionate in elderly care and social innovation.
- Bachelor degree or above in Social Sciences, management or relevant disciplines(Social Work or Gerontology and relevant subjects are preferable).
- Minimum of 6 years of project management experiences in the field of social welfare, elderly care or social entrepreneurship.
- Solid experiences in strategic planning, partnership building and managing community-wide scale projects.
- Self-directed, flexible, organized problem-solver with demonstrable aptitude for working with the elderly
- Exceptional communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
- Good in written and spoken English and Chinese, including Mandarin.
B. 【Community Relations Officer (Full Time)】
- Execute projects to ensure the objectives of the project are met to build social capital for the community and measure the impact on building a community elder care model.
- Build and maintain strategic partnership with the relevant parties for collaboration.
- Organize community activities, programs, and community-wide events to empower the elderly.
- Build volunteer teams to support the project.
- Project administration and prepare reports.
- Support The Jade Club functions and events when required.
- Passionate in elderly care and social innovation.
- Bachelor degree or above in Social Sciences, management or relevant disciplines.
- Minimum of 3 years of project management experiences in the field of social welfare, elderly care or social entrepreneurship.
- With experiences in partnership building and managing community-wide scale projects.
- Self-directed, flexible, organized problem-solver with demonstrable aptitude for working with the elderly.
- Exceptional communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
- Good in written and spoken English and Chinese, including Mandarin.
C.【Project Assistant (Part Time)】
- Assist the project team to organize community programs and build volunteer teams.
- Prepare reports and necessary documents for projects.
- Assist in any other duties as assigned.
- Passionate in elderly care and social innovation.
- DSE graduate or above.
- Minimum of 1 year of working experience.
- Pleasant and detail-minded.
- Good in written and spoken English and Chinese.
We offer ample of learning and development opportunities, and a 5-day work week in Lai Chi Kok, while work in weekends or evenings is occasionally required. Interested applicants please send your CV with current and expected salary to career@thejadeclub.com.hk. Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview arrangement.
2. 【全職 活動幹事】
尊賢會是長者服務的社會企業,我們希望長者在運動中享受社交樂趣,繼而延緩衰退,達至活躍社交,快樂老化。尊賢會從2012年開始,己為近150間服務機構提供服務。我們由英國引進「快樂椅子舞(Happy Chair-based Dance) 」及由台灣引入「精叻操(Mind Body Exercise)」,兩項小組活動均針對長者身心社交。我們需要熱血的你加入我們的長者服務團隊,將正能量及歡樂帶給更多長者!
如你個性外向又喜歡老人服務,快些加入我們吧!歡迎將你的履歷表(及預期待遇)連同申請信告訴我們為何希望加入尊賢會團隊,電郵至 career@thejadeclub.com.hk。合適應徵者將會收到面試通知。
3. 【全職 業務拓展主任 (長者服務)】
- 大專或以上學歷程度〔主修商業 / 市場學 / 人力資源等優先考慮〕
- 1 年或以上相關工作經驗,有籌募、推廣活動經驗優先
- 具自信,性格開朗,積極進取,富責任感
- 具良好人際關係及溝通技巧
- 中英文書寫能力良好
- 具良好應用資訊科技能力 (Windows, MS Office, Internet)
- 懂應用繪圖軟件 (eg. Photoshop, Illustrator) 及社交媒體更佳
如你個性外向又喜歡老人服務,快些加入我們吧!歡迎將你的履歷表(及預期待遇)連同申請信告訴我們為何希望加入尊賢會團隊,電郵至 career@thejadeclub.com.hk。合適應徵者將會收到面試通知。
凝聚每一份專業 成就不一樣的尊賢
你在尋找讓專長發光發亮的地方嗎?跳出傳統的框框,發揮自己的專長回饋社會?想找一份有意義的義工而英雄無用武之地?尊賢會正凝聚一班專業義工,施展他們的專長,發揮無限可能。我們盼望參與的義工「人盡其才,各盡所能 」。
誠邀加入我們成為義工,將快樂帶給老友記!請將你的聯絡方法電郵至 volunteer@thejadeclub.com.hk 或填寫義工登記表格。